We are excited to announce that we adopted a new form of school-to-home communication at Santa Clara Unified School District called ParentSquare.
This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with your school and the district. It provides a safe way for the district, schools, and parents to:
- Send and receive district and school information
- Share pictures and files
- See calendar items
- Sign up to volunteer
- Schedule parent-teacher conferences
- and much more... all in one centralized place!
What is ParentSquare?
How-to Guides
Getting Started Guide: English
Getting Started for Parents (English)- Slide Deck
Getting Started Guide: Spanish
Getting Started for Parents (Spanish)- Slide Deck
Changing You Language Preference: English/Spanish
All district and school information will continue to be sent to your computer or phone via email and/or text message. For even more convenience and an enhanced experience, download the ParentSquare app (available for free for iOS and Android devices).
If you are having technical difficulties logging in, please email with a description (and images if possible) of the error message you are receiving.